Call for proposals

Submission closed! Proposals for talks and workshops could be submitted until February 8, 2016. If you have any questions regarding the submission, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Who can submit?

Proposals can be submitted by anyone interested in pushing the boundaries of mathematics communication. We aim to create a rich and diverse program regarding affiliation, discipline, gender, age, geographic location and level of expertise.

How are the proposals selected?

Submitted proposals are screened and evaluated by the Scientific Committee. Selected applicants will be informed by the organizers before March 1, 2016.

What kind of submissions are possible?

We are reaching out for proposals for talks and workshops covering recent relevant areas in mathematics communication, including – but not limited to – our 5 main program topics for IC16.

Talk (15+5 min)

You would like to present an interesting new initiative in mathematics communication or propose a discussion centered on relevant issues in the field? Talks will be presented in 5 subsequent tracks over 3 days of the conference. For each talk, 15 minutes of presentation and 5min of discussion are allocated.



A MathLapse is a short, simple, self-contained video that explains a mathematical idea by means of true or virtual animated images (for example a geometric animation or a time-lapse video). Prizes will be given out to the best MathLapse videos submitted until June 1, 2016. MathLapse videos will be screened at the MathLapse festival at IC16.
Detailed information can be found here:

MathLapse page

Workshop (11h)

You would like to propose a project that you wish to realize with your peers during the conference? In our workshops that are run in parallel to the conference, participants work in small groups of up to 15. Results will be shown in a public presentation at the end of the conference. Goals for workshops can range from developing a new exhibition module, prototyping a mathematics communications app, to drafting a white paper on new strategic aims for mathematics communication. Basic workshop infrastructure and trainers/mediators are available.

Submit a proposal

The submission for workshops ands talks at IC16 is closed. For submission, the talk template or workshop template should be used for your proposal (we offer a LaTeX template as well as one for MS Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice).